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How to Use Essential Oils

When people start using essential oils, the first question I hear is always: how do I use them?

There are three ways you can use essential oils:

1. Aromatically

2. Topically

3. Internally

Now, hold up a sec. For #3, I don't just mean you can go to your local health food store and use their oils internally. No sir-y.

If you're putting something inside that beautiful body of yours, you've got to make sure it's not just labelled as therapeutic, but it must be labelled as Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade, be tested by third parties, and be safe for ingestion.

Whew. Long warning, but you gotta know this stuff first! Ok, now we can get into the uses.

How To Use Essential Oils Aromatically

Some of the ways you can use essential oils aromatically are:

- inhaling right from the bottle

- 3-5 drops in a cold mist diffuser (don't heat these babies or they lose their effectiveness) 

- 1 drop mixed into your skin care products

- a drop in your hand and inhaling (we call this a Scent Tent!)

I first fell in love with the oils by way of aromatic usage for the anxious feelings I used to always get. It's quite a fascinating process, actually!

Love science? I don't. But I'm going to share some with you anyway.

When we inhale an essential oil, it goes through out nostrils (what a funny word that is, when you think about it) to our olfactory gland (I literally used to think of a factory in my nose when I first heard this term as a kid) and then to our limbic system. 

This sweet limbic system is responsible for our memories, emotions, and moods. You definitely want to keep this system happy with essential oils! They balance everything out.

Depending on the message the teeny compounds in essential oils send to our limbic system, we can feel uplifted or calm, motivated or grounded, peaceful or passionate (oh la la). 

I LOVE to diffuse my oils instead of using toxic air freshness - the house always smells amazing. It's my fav way to balance my moods (and those of my boys!) and I make my own custom PUREfume.  

How To Use Essential Oils Topically

Applying essential oils topically means to place it directly on an area of the body, let's say for cuts or joint/muscle pain management. 

Did you know that you can increase the effect of an essential oil when you apply it with a carrier oil?? That's right! Only 1 or 2 drops of an essential oil in a dab of carrier oil will offer you amazing effects in minutes! Oh, and it helps with skin sensitivity issues, too.

Wondering what a carrier oil is? They include any vegetable-based oil like: coconut oil, almond oil, avocado oil, or hey, even olive oil if it's all you've got! We add a wee dab of a carrier oil to a drop of an essential oil and rub it in.

Got a little babe? Here's a dilution ratio chart for little ones because their teeny bodies need more carrier oil than us big peeps do.

We use oils topically most often on the bottom of our feet, shoulders, forehead/temples, and on our necks. I'm talking head tension, digestive support, back tension, respiratory support, yada yada yada (ever seen that Seinfeld episode?).

I use them daily with coconut oil for a face moisturizer and with shea butter for homemade lotion!

How To Use Essential Oils Internally

Ways you can take essential oils internally are:

- a drop in an empty veggie capsule and swallow with water

- a drop in a shot glass of water (yes, water) - a drop under the tongue

Now, let's be super clear one more time - this is only for Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® essential oils. I don't want you heading to the health store/Walmart/dollar store and grabbing a lavender for $5 and use it. No way, Jose!   

You can tell by checking the label which oils can be used as a dietary supplement. They support so many health goals - just remember that you only need a drop or two. It's that whole 'less is more' thing. 

I use many different oils in my cooking as well! Just remember that if you actually heat the oil, it will lose it's medicinal super power. Still has the taste, though! 

Some ways I LOVE to add essential oils to food are:

- a toothpick amount of Oregano in pasta sauce 

- a drop of Cilantro in guacamole 

How Do I Know Which Oil To Use?

When I am looking for ways to use my oils for a specific wellness concern, I refer to my FAV oil books or I check Pinterest for recipes.

Then I get stuck there scrolling and pinning through the BEST DIY recipes. So brace yourself if it comes to that.

Hope you feel more confident in the ways you can use your essential oils!


Want to know more about essential oils?

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