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DIY Healthy Easter Chocolates

Have you ever watched the show 'Nailed It'? Well this recipes went like that at first. I won't even make you wait until the end to see that first pic. I'll be real.

Here's what my first attempt looked like...

🙌 NAILED IT!!!! 😂

Yep, it WAS that funny! I realized it was because I didn't let the chocolate sit and harden as long as it needed to. So before we being, just know you need patience for this recipe.

Don't have patience? You may want to skip this one.

Got patience? Okay, keep that in mind when it comes time to wait on the chocolate to harden.


- 1/4 cup coconut oil

- 1/4 cup cacao powder

- 2 to 3 tbsp maple syrup

- 1 drop of dōTERRA essential oil (I love either Peppermint, Tangerine, Wild Orange, or Lavender in this recipe)


1. Melt the first 3 ingredients in a small pot on the stove.

2. Once melted, remove from heat, add the drop of essential oil, and stir until combined.

3. Pour the melted chocolate mixture into a mold like the one I used or into smaller molds.

4. Allow to cool for at least an hour in a freezer before removing from mold. Wait even longer if you REALLY want to be sure.

This is the first time I've ever used a big mold. I think I prefer the smaller ones. Not only does it come out of the mold better, but it makes so many more chocolates. Which basically means I can eat way more than just the one big one. More satisfying, right?!

I plan to make a bunch of these and wrap them up in pretty baggies for our spring celebration on Easter weekend. How would you wrap them up?


Want to know more about essential oils?

Interested in bringing dōTERRA into your home?

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