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Recipe: Cranberry Sauce with Wild Orange

Alright, guys. I hit the jackpot on this one {I should really check to see how many times I've said that about a recipe...}.

But seriously. Cranberry sauce made with Wild Orange is about to change your LIFE!

I always make cranberry sauce for all our holiday meals. It's so easy to grab a bag of cranberries, add water and maple syrup. My kids could make this.

I knew I was due for a really good recipe to post here, so I figured ThanksLiving would be the best time ('living' because we keep animals off our plate and Thanksgiving because we're Canadian and we celebrate the fall harvest in October!).


1 bag (12oz) of fresh organic cranberries

1/2 cup maple syrup

1/2 cup water

2 drops Wild Orange


1. Rinse cranberries.

2. Combine cranberries, maple syrup and water in a small pot and bring to a boil over medium-high heat

3. When berries begin to pop, simmer at low-medium, stirring often.

4. Allow to simmer for 10-15 minutes until all cranberries have popped and sauce is thick.

5. Remove from heat and allow to cool.

6. Add the drops of Wild Orange, stir to combine, then keep in refrigerator until ready to serve!


Not only have we used this for our holiday meals, but we've used it like jam or to serve with crackers. It's SO GOOD!!!


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